
' その市には 16 個学校があり、そのうち2つが専門学校である ' を英語にすると? - 9/17( 木)

Good morning all,
Today's English from Tokyoの 金 允泰です.
************    I have a dream!     ***********
************  私には夢があります! ***********
第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声で!)
答え> The city has sixteen schools, two of which are junior colleges.
(a) The city has sixteen schools.
(b) Two of them are junior colleges.
説明> そのうち 2つ, そのうち大部分, そのうち2,3こ など....の数量表現を of + 関係代名詞を用いて
表現できます. 数量表現がある二つの文章を, 'of + 関係代名詞' を使って一つの文章にする時に使い
ます. 数量表現とは, most of, some of, many of, a few of, two of .などです.
(a) In my class there are 20 students.
(b) Most of them are from the Seoul area.
 ->  In my class there are 20 students, most of whom are from the Seoul area.
(a) I could not understand her messages.
(b) Most of them was in French.
 -> I could not understand her messages, most of which was French.
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 229 ( unit 12 関係代名詞 ) : lesson 18 < '数量表現 + of which[whom, whose]' >
1. '数量表現 + of which[whom,whose]' も, 関係代名詞でよく使われる表現です. 以下の例をみてください!
(a) In my class there are 20 students.
(b) Most of them are from the Seoul area.
 ->  In my class there are 20 students, most of whom are from the Seoul area.
(a)  He gave several reasons.
(b) Only a few of them were valid.
 -> He gave several reasons, only a few which were valid.
(a) The teachers discussed Jim.
(b) One of his problems was poor study habits.
 -> The teachers discussed Jim, one of whose problems was poor study habits.
most of them = , most of whom ; そのうち大部分
one a few of them = , only a few of which ; その理由のうちただ1,2つだけ
One of his problems = , One of whose problems ; 彼の問題のうち一つ
説明> 上のように数量表現がある2つの文章を -> コンマ(,) + of + 関係代名詞で一つの表現にできます.
some of, many of, most of, none of, two of, half of, both of, several of , a few of , little of, a number of... などです.
1. このような表現に使う関係代名詞は whom, which, whose です.
2. この表現も, 非限定表現で コンマ(、)を使って表現します.
3. この表現は書き言葉です,
[ 皆さん, ' 数量表現. + of which[whom, whose] ' を英語文章で見当たったら,数量表現であることを理解してください!]
{ 追加例文 }
(a) I could not understand her messages.
(b) Most of them was in French.
 -> I could not understand her messages, most of which was French.
(a) I have two sisters.
(b) Both of them are married.
 ->  I have two sisters, both of whom are married.
(a) The city has sixteen schools.
(b) Two of them are junior colleges.
 ->  The city has sixteen schools, two of which are junior colleges.

1. 土曜日 夕方 18:00 - 21:00 English Study Group
JR '秋葉原'駅から 歩いて 6分距離, いきいきプラザ.
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