
' 彼らは価値が 100 万円ドール以上する Picasso の本物の絵を所有している ' を英語にすると ? - 9/15( 水)

Good morning all,
Today's English from Tokyoの 金 允泰です.
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第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語(大きい声で!)
答え>They own an original Picasso painting, the value of which is over a million dollars.
 => They own an original Picasso painting whose value is over a million dollars.
(a) They own an original Picasso painting.
(b) The value of the painting is over a million dollars.
説明> 先行詞(名詞)が 人以外の物の場合, 所有格は '名詞 + of which' でも表すことができます.
これは 'whose + 名詞' と同じ意味です. 詳しいは第2部を参考してください!
例文1)(a) I saw a car. (b) The window of the car was broken.
 -> I saw a car, the window of which was broken.
 => I saw a car whose window was broken.
例文2) (a) I bought a magazine. (b) The title of the magazine is Contemporary Architectural Styles.
 -> I bought a magazine, the title of which is Contemporary Architectural Styles.
 => I bought a magazine whose title is Contemporary Architectural Styles.
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 228 ( unit 12 関係代名詞 ) : lesson 17 < 所有格を表す '名詞 + of which' >
1. 英語文章で 'the + 名詞 + of which...' がよく使われますが, これは所有格を表す whose..と同じ意味です !
(a) I saw a car.
(b) The window of the car was broken.
 -> I saw a car, the window of which was broken.
 => I saw a car whose window was broken.
(a) I bought a magazine.
(b) The title of the magazine is Contemporary Architectural Styles.
 -> I bought a magazine, the title of which is Contemporary Architectural Styles.
 => I bought a magazine whose title is Contemporary Architectural Styles.
(a) They own an original Picasso painting.
(b) The value of the painting is over a million dollars.
 -> They own an original Picasso painting, the value of which is over a million dollars.
 => They own an original Picasso painting whose value is over a million dollars.
説明> 上の例文のように '名詞 + of which' は所有格を表す whoseと同じ意味です.
名詞(先行詞)が人以外のものの場合だけ, この表現を使えます. 先行詞が人の場合は使いません。.
1. 'of which'を使った所有格は書き言葉で, 普通は whose + 名詞を使います.
2. of which には普通コンマ(、)を使って表現しますが. (コンマがない場合もあります)
[ 皆さん, ' the + 名詞 + of which ' を見ると、所有格であると理解してください!]
{ 追加例文 }
(a) We toured a 300-year-old house.
(b) The exterior of the house consisted of logs cemented with clay.
 -> We toured a 300-year-old house, the exterior of which consisted of logs cemented with clay
 ->  We toured a 300-year-old house, whose exterior consisted of logs cemented with clay
(a) The professor has assigned the students a research paper.
(b) The purpose of the research paper is to acquaint them with methods of scholarly inquiry.
 ->  The professor has assigned the students a research paper, the purpose of which is to acquaint them with methods of scholarly inquiry.
 ->  The professor has assigned the students a research paper, whose purpose is to acquaint them with methods of scholarly inquiry.
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