
'This is how I solved the problem' の h ow? - 9/29( 火)

Good morning all,
Today's English from Tokyo の 金 允泰です!
********    I have a dream!      **************
******** 私には 夢があります!  **************
第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声で!)
答え> This is the way that I solved the problem.
       ( 私はこのようにして その問題を解決しました )
 = This the way in which I solved the problem.
 = This the way (省略) I solved the problem.
 = This is how I solved the problem.
説明> 方法を表す関係副詞 how は the way how のようにthe wayと一緒につかいません,
the way that, the way in which のように使いますが、これは堅い書き言葉であり、
一般的には the way (省略) が一番一般的な使い方です, 特に, 会話では
 how だけ使います. 詳しいは第2部を参考してください!
例文1) I was impressed by the way that he managed his people.
 = I was impressed by the way in which he managed his people.
 = I was impressed by the way he managed his people. (that が省略)
 = I was impressed by how he managed his people. (the way that = how)
例文2) She described the way (that, in which) it happened.
 = She described how it happened
"運命を切りひらくために "
逆境 - それはその人に与えられた尊い試練であり、この境涯に
--- 松下電器設立者 松下幸之助の << 道をひらく >> の中で ---
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 237 ( unit 13 関係副詞 ) : lesson 7 < 方法の関係副詞  ' how ' >
1. 方法を表す関係副詞 how はなんですか? どのように使いますか?
Could you tell me the way that I can get a discount   --> the way that 比較的にまれな言い方 
 = Could you tell me the way in which I can get a discont.   --> the way in which 堅い言い方
 = Could you tell me the way (省略) I can get a discont.   --> the way (省略) 一番一般的な言い方
 = Could you tell me how I can get a discont                     --> (the way that) = how  会話表現
注意; the way how 形では使いません. ( the way と how を一緒には使いません )
 This is the way that he solved the problem.
 = This the way in which he solved the problem.
 = This the way (省略) he solved the problem.
 = This is how he solved the problem.
説明> 方法を表す関係副詞 how は the way how とは使わず,
1) the way that
2) the way which
3) the way (省略)   --> 一番一般的な言い方 
4) how  -->  会話でよく使う
This is how I finished the work in on day.
 = This is the way that I finished the work in on day.
 = This is the way in which I finished the work in on day.
 = This is the way I finished the work in on day.
[ 追加説明 ]
1. the way that .... は形容詞節だが、 howだけで表現すると名詞節となり、他動詞の目的として、
2. 関係副詞 how を ' in + which ' で表現可能だが, これは堅い言い方で書き言葉になりま.
(a) This is the way.
(b) I finished the work in on day in that way.
=> This is the way in which I finished the work in one day. ( in that way -> in which )
3. ですから, 関係副詞 where, when, how は '前置詞 + which 'で表現可能だが, the reason whyだけは '前置詞 + which'では使いません
[ みなさん,  方法を表す the way that = how 使い方, もっと理解できましたか?]
{ 追加例文 }
I was impressed by the way that he managed his people.
 = I was impressed by the way in which he managed his people.
 = I was impressed by the way he managed his people. (thatが省略された)
 = I was impressed by how he managed his people. (the way that = how)
She described the way (that, in which) it happened.
 = She described how it happened
This is the way (that, in which) the moral story begins ( このようにして訓話が始まる)
 = This is how the moral story begins.

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