
' そこが私が私のお金を保管している銀行です ' を英語にすると ? - 9/25( 金)

Good morning all,
TGIF ( Thanks God It's Friday ). Have a nice weekend!
************   I have a dream!     ************
************ 私には 夢があります! ***********
第1部 : 今日の英語一語(大きい声で)
答え>   I keep my money at that bank.
-> That is the bank where I keep my money. ( That is the bank. I keep my money there )
説明> 与えられた 文章を That is .....で 始まる文に直してみる時に 名詞(the country)が場所だから,
関係副詞 whereを用いて表すことができるとの練習です. where は there の代わりの役割をすることです! 詳しいは 第2を 参考してください!
例文1) The earthquake occurred in that country.
-> That is the country where the earthquake occurred.
例文2) I spent my vacation on that island.
-> That is the island where I spent my vacation
"運命を切りひらくために "
--- 松下電器設立者 松下幸之助の << 道をひらく >> の中で ---
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 235 ( unit 13 関係副詞 ) : lesson 5 < 場所の関係副詞  ' where ' を会話で使おう >
1. 次の文を ' That is ....' で始まる文に直しなさい. 関係副詞 where を 使いなさい!
例) You were born in that city.
-> That is the city where I was born.     (= That is the city. I was born there )
(a) We have class in that room.
(b) We ate dinner at that restaurent.
(c) He works in that building.
(d) He lives on that street.
(e) You eat lunch at that cafeteria.
(a) That is the room where we have class.   ( = That is the room. We have class there )
(b) That is the restaurent where we ate dinner.  ( = That is the restaurent. We ate dinner there )
(c) That is the building where he works. ( = That is the building. He wroks there )
(d) That is the street where he lives. ( = That is the street. He lives there )
(e) That is the cafeteria where you eat lunch. ( = That is the cafeteria. You eat lunch there )
1. 場所を表す 関係副詞 where は there代わりに使われながら, 二つの文を一つにする役割をします!
(a) The building is very old.
(b) He lives there ( in that building )
-> The building where he lives is very old.
-> The building in which he lives is very old.
-> The building which he lives in is very old.
-> The building that he lives in is very old.
-> The building (省略) he lives in is very old.
[ みなさん, 関係副詞 ' where ' の使い方、もっと理解できましたか]
{ 追加例文 }
You keep your money at that bank.
-> That is the bank where I keep my money.
You do your grocery shopping at that store.
-> That is the store where I do my grocery shopping.
You spent your vacation on that island.
-> That is the island where you spent your vacation
The earthquake occurred in that country.
-> That is the country where the earthquake occurred.

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