
' 彼が入学試験に合格したので、それは彼の友達皆をびっくりさせた ' を英語にすると? - 9/10( 木)

Good morning all,
'Today's English from Tokyo 金 允泰です!
**********    英語は 21C 必須!  *************
**********      Yes, You Can!    *************
第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声でよみましょう!)
答え> He passed the entrance examination, which surprised all his friends.  ( , which = that )
説明> ここで , which は 直前の文章全体を表しています. ( , which = He passed the entrance examination )の意味になります
, which が前の文章全体を表すのは , whichの 特殊な用法でくだけた表現であり、 話し言葉でよく
使います. 詳しいは 第2部を 参考してください!
(a) He passed the entrance examination.
(b) That surprised all his friends.        ( that = He passed the entrance examination )
 -> He passed the entrance examination, which surprised all his friends.  ( , which = that )
(a) It rained all day yesterday.
(b) I expected that.
-> It rained all day yesterday, which I expected.    ( , which = that = it rained all day yesterday )
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 224 ( unit 12 関係代名詞 ) : lesson 14 < 直前の文章全体を表す ( , which )の特殊用法! >
1. コンマ(、)と一緒に使う which ( ,which ) は '前の文章全体を修飾する'役割としても使います!
本来 非限定用法の ( , which )は 直前の名詞を 先行詞としてしますが, 以下の例文では
, whichが 直前の文章全体を 先行詞にする役割をしてます. よくみてください!
[ ,which が 直前の名詞を先行詞としてする場合 ] - 今まで勉強した関係代名詞
Japan, which requires them to conform
The US Congress, which corresponds to .....
[ , which が 直前の文章全体を 先行詞しにする場合 ] - , which の特殊用法
(a) Tom was late
(b) That surprised me.
-> Tom was late, which surprised me.
(a) The elavator is out of order.
(b) This is too bad.
-> The elevator is out of order, which is too bad.
説明> 代名詞 that, this は 前の文 全体の内容を意味しています.
that = ' Tom was late' で,
this = ' The elevator is out of order' で
文章全体を表しています. このように二つの文章を一つにする時, この that, this を ,whichで表現します.
, which = ' Tom was late'
, which = ' The elevator is out of order'
次の例文でも, もっと確認して見ましょう?
(a) Max is not home yet.
(b) That worries me.    ( that = Max is not home yet )
-> Max is not home yet, which worries me.     (  ,which = Max is not home yet )
<追加説明 >
1. この表現の特徴は , which が直前の文全体の表す代名詞 that, this の代わりに使われることです!
2. ,whichをこのように使うのは比較的に くだけた表現で、会話でよく使われます.
[ 皆さん , which が 前の文章全体を表す代名詞 that, this の代わりに使われる場合,理解できましたか!]
{ 追加例文 }
(a) It rained all day yesterday.
(b) I expected that.
-> It rained all day yesterday, which I expected.    ( , which = it rained all day yesterday )
(a) He passed the entrance examination.
(b) That surprised all his friends.
-> He passed the entrance examination, which surprised all his friends.  ( , which = that )
There was an accident on Highway 5, which means I will be late to work this morning.  ( , which = that )

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