****** 朝の英語一語が2010/11/17 で 500回になりました *******
I have a dream!(私には夢があります!)
2008年9月、英語ができなくて悩んでいる知り合い3人に土曜日夜9時~11時、日本、東京の新宿にある喫茶店で英語を教え始めて、その3人が途中で英語の勉強を諦めない様にしてあげる為に、毎朝勉強した内容を整理して送り始めたのが、Today's English from Tokyo(朝の英語一語)の始まりでした。それが、今は韓国にいらっしゃる沢山の方々に、日本でお仕事をされている韓国人の方々に、留学生の方々に、遠く中国の朝鮮族の方々に、そして、ここ日本の方々に(日本語で)送る様になりました。沢山の方々がメールを下さいます。大学卒業後手放していた英語を再び勉強する様になったと、英語の勉強を本当に熱心にしたかったと、熱心に勉強したいと、面白くて分かりやすいので毎日通勤しながら覚えていらっしゃると・・・、良い事をなさっていると、福を受けられるでしょうと・・御陰で英語の勉強をする意欲が湧いて来たと・・・、毎日を充実した一日にしてくれると・・・、このようなメールを見つけた事がとても大きな幸運のようだと・・・
想像してみて下さい。大韓民国の若者達が、英語の文法を中学校までに理解し終えて、高校では会話の実力を備えて、大学生の時は英会話が流暢で、全世界を相手に飛びたい欲望で満ち溢れ、卒業後にはこのグローバルな時代に合う若者で世界を舞台に活躍する我々一人一人を!!! それがまさに我が国の国力であり、力であり、それがまさに21世紀を生きて行く我々一人一人が持つべき基本の競争力ではないか・・・
英語会話、Yes, you can !
2010年 11月27日「Today's English from Tokyo 500回を迎えて」
日本 東京から キムユンテ拝(現在アメリカ系通信会社に勤務中)
Greetings from My Today’s English.
Today, it is 500th times since I started sending out this daily English study magazine.
I have a dream
2008, October, For 3 of my friends who wanted to improve their English skill, I started teaching English to them from 9pm to 11pm on Sat night at the coffee shop in Tokyo Shinjuku. I wanted to make sure they would not give up studying English once they began. I started summarizing what we studied and sent it out to them every morning by email. It was the start of my Today’s English from Tokyo daily message. Now, I am sending it out to many Korean who work in Japan, many Korean students who study in Japan, many Korean in Korea, many Korean-Chinese in China, and many Japanese people (in Japanese). Nowadays, many people who are receiving my morning English study magazine send me emails saying;
“ I have never studied English since university graduation and now I have re-started thanks to you ”;
“ I really wanted to study English hard but I could not”; “ I want to study English hard from now on “;
“ Your English is so easy to understand, interesting, and I am studying it every morning in the train to the office “; “ You are doing very good job for all and you deserve a reward “; “ Thanks to you, I got fully motivated to start studying English again”; “ Thanks to you, day by day, my life is getting more fruitful “;
and“ I think I am lucky to get this kind of good email every morning “. And many people send me emails asking about what is the best way to study English from America, the Philippine, and China.
All, I have a dream!
Think about how many hours and how much money and effort we have been putting into studying English from preliminary school until becoming salary man and woman but still we are not confident in speaking English.
Imagine, If we start studying and understanding English grammar during the middle school, and we study
conversational English in high school, so we are able to speak English fluently in the University and our young
people are fully ready to go out to the world and work globally after university graduation. If our young people are fully motivated in this way, then It gives all of us confidence to show the true power of country. And it is a fundamental basic skill we all should be equipped with to succeed in the 21st century.
I am writing and sending out Today’s English from Tokyo every morning to all of you by imagining such a powerful country filled with the powerful young people.
I have another dream!
My other dream is to send out my morning English study magazine to Chinese young people in the Chinese language because they also have the same problem as we do, which is spending so much money, time, and effort in studying English but not being confident in speaking English. I want to help them too. So nowadays I go to Chinese language school every Sat evening to study Chinese. Somebody who lives in Shanghai who recently started receiving my morning English study magazine, touched by the fact that I am sending it free of charge. Now she translates my daily morning magazine into Chinese and sends back to me to help my dream come true. Getting to know that kind of supporters, it gives me great pleasure and it makes me feel happy, and makes me feel good about what I am doing. This is really valuable and meaningful, meeting people through my morning English study magazine.
Please help me with my dream by introducing my daily morning magazine to your friends, and to your family so that we can all study English everyday while having fun and without giving up once they start. And we can have as many young students as we can ready to go out to challenge the outside world with confidence speaking English. During the past 2 and half years, I shared my morning message with you 500 times. I have sent it out every morning even on my business trip to Italy and Malaysia, and sometimes, I have sent it out from the highway bus, and even from my summer camp in the mountain. I will do my best to continue to write and send this out another 500 times so that you can start your day repeating today’s English expression 3 times. Let’s do it together.
Speaking English, Yes you can!
2010/Nov/17, Today’s English from Tokyo 500th birthday
Johnny Five from Tokyo ( working for a international telecommunication company in Tokyo )