
08/Dec/08/Mon Today's English ( 参加する - attend, join )

Good morning all,
It was sunny day during the weekend but this morning,
it is a bit cloudy and much more colder than yesterday.
It is about 5 degrees this morning and it will be about 11
degrees during the daytime here in Tokyo.
Here is today's english!
unit 270
" If I am not able to attend the telephone conference call,
I'll phone you in advance so that you can arrange for
someone else to take my place."
( 参加可否を 前もって 知らせてあげる配慮 ! )
Words,Phrases & Patterns
> phone ;  (動詞) ...に 電話を かける.
> so that.... ; 目的の 副詞節を作る; ...するように
                    = in order that
> take one's place ; ...(誰)の代わりをする

ここで attend は (公式的) 式典, 会議に 出席する,
(学校, 協会)などに 出席する(通う)の 意味です.
一方, joinは partyなどの 合流する, ..と 一緒にする の
意味です. 日本語で 両方とも " 参加する "と 翻訳されるため,
区別が 難しいですが, 本当の意味は異なりますので、
区別して 使いましょう。
attend ; (公式) 会議に 出席する, 参加する
join ; ( 飲み会、食事のpartyなどに) に合流する、参加する。
...参加する, と 表現したい場合は, この 二つを 区別して 使いましょう.
attend ;
Unfortunately, I have a conflict on this day/time.
I am trying to re-arrange my other commitment so that I can attend your
conference call. I will be able to attend if the call takes place at 8pm on
Tuesday, Dec. 9th. However, if this time does not work for others,
just keep the current time and I will try to attend.
join ;
(a) I will join your party later
(b) Will you join us for the year-end-party?
Have a great day today!!!
The day will come when anybody will be able to
travel to the moon.
-- In the Chapter 2 of ALL-IN-ONE  --
No challenge, No chance!!!
English Study Group on every Sat night 21:00 - 23:00 at Shinjuku area!
Please join us for your further English study!
Should you find this Today's English( Korean & Japanese version ) useful,
further information can be obtained by contacting me. Please feel free
to e-mail me.

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