
She speaks English as if it were her native tongue.   - 1/26( 火)

Good morning all,
 We must be ready for success!
第1部 : 今日の英語一語
( English is not her native tongue ) / 英語は彼女の母国語ではない.
-> She speaks English as if [ as though ] it were her native tongue. 
  ( まるで英語が彼女の母国語かのように英語を話す)
説明>上の例文は ' as if + 仮定法過去 ' で 日本語で ' (実はそうではないが)
まるで ...かのように...する' と仮定して話す表現.
Have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと詳しい説明
Seq 318 ( unit 15 仮定法 ) : lesson 16 < '(実はそうではないが) まるで ..かのよう' を表す as if仮定法 >
1. ' as If [ as though ] + 直接法 ' は ただ, ' (様子が) ....のようだ'と事実を表現する. (仮定ではない)
It looks as if it is going to rain.     雨が降りそうだ (実際にそうである)
= It looks like it is going to rain.
It looks as if you are wrong.      あなたが間違ったようだ (実際にそうである)
= It looks as though you are wrong.
= It looks like you are wrong.
2. ' as if [ as though ] + 仮定法...' は (実際は, そうではないが, ...まるで.,..かのように..) と仮定し話す.
( English is not her native tongue ) / 英語は母国語ではない.
-> She speaks English as if [ as though ] it were her native tongue. 
  ( まるで英語が母国語かのように)
( His animals are not people )  / かれの動物が人ではない.
-> I know a farmer who talks to his animals as if they were people.
  ( まるで動物が人かのように動物に話す農夫 )
( I don't have wings and cannot fly ) 
-> I was so happy that I felt as if I had wings and could fly.
説明>上の例文は ' as if + 仮定法過去 ' で 日本語で ' (実はそうではないが)
まるで ...かのように...する' と仮定して話す表現.
Have a good day today!

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