
(彼女はどの国の人ですか?)を英語にすると? -2/16( 水)

Good morning all,
2月16日 Smile~で始まる水曜日朝! じゃ, 今日朝も大きい声で英語一語!
英語 会話, Yes, you can
I did not have a wink of sleep last night. 昨晩一眠りもしなかった.
I did not have a wink of sleep last night.
I did not have a wink of sleep last night.
( 簡単な自己紹介例文 )
彼女はどの国の人ですか? : Where's she from?
  ** 相手がどの国の出身かを聞く時の体表的な表現!
-> 皆さん, 今日は簡単な自己紹介の例文と関連質問を紹介します.
     [ is と疑問詞 What でする質問例 ]
     What's your name?
     What's your address?
     What's your telephone number?
     What's your job?
     What's your hobby?
     What's your favorite color?
  ** favorite color 一番好きな色
( 自己紹介例文 )
Susan Green is a student.
She studies art.
She is Canadian.
She is 19 years old.
She is not married.
Her hobby is listening to music.
She likes classical music.
Her favorite composer is Mozart.
She lives in New York.
She goes to college by subway.
It takes 40 minutes.
** favorite composer 一番好きな作曲家, Mozart モーツャルト
** go by subway  地下鉄で行く, ここで by + 共通手段 ( by bus, by taxi, by train ) 
** It takes + 時間  ( 40分) かかります
< この表現も >
-> Where's she from? She is from Canada.
    Where does she live? She lives in New York.
    How does she goes to college? She goes to college by subway.
    How long does it take to go to college? it takes 40 minutes by subway.
      ** Canada (名) カナダ (国), Canadian (形) カナダの人の, カナダの
Have a nice day today!
友達にオススメ! ytkim56@yahoo.co.jp" に '紹介します'とメールください(無料です)!
1. Today's English from Tokyo 574番目朝メールです.( since 2008/10/24 )
2. Blogs : http://www.canspeak.net (Korean).   ttp://tej.canspeak.net (Japanese)
3. 今年は英語勉強, 途中二度もあきらめません.

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