
' It is obvious that smoking can cause cancer' の It is obvious that....? - 11/13( 金)

Good morning all,
Today's English from Tokyo の 金 允泰です.
TGIF! Have a nice weekend!
**********     I have a dream!    *************
**********  私には夢があります !  ***********
第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声で!)
Smokig can cause cancer 喫煙は癌を誘発できる.
-> That smoking can cause cancer is obvious. 喫煙が癌を誘発できることは明らかだ.
...するのは 明らかだ -> That smoking can cause cancer is obvious.
                            -> It is obvious that smoking can cause cancer.
...するのは事実だ -> That smoking can cause cancer is true.
                         -> It is true that smoking can cause cancer.
....するのはびっくりだ  -> That smoking can cause cancer is surprising
                             -> It is surprising that smoking can cause cancer.  
説明> that 節は名詞節で文章の主語でよく使われますが, 英語では主語を可能なかぎり
    短くすることが基本なので、普通 仮の主語 it を用いて It..... that .....でよく使います.
It...that..でよく使う形容詞  ( obvious, true, strange, apparent, surprising, unfair, unfortunate など)
"運命を切りひらくために "
--- 松下電器設立者 松下幸之助の << 道をひらく >> の中で ---
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 269 ( unit 14 名詞節 ) : lesson 20 < that 節の使用方法  - It....that....! >
1. 英語では文章の主語部分 (名詞,名詞節)が長いと, 仮の主語  It を 使います!
The world is round.                           -> 地球は丸だ.
-> That the world is round is a fact.    -> 地球が余丸だとのは 事実だ. -> that節が主語
    * is 前の主語が長すぎ!  仮の主語 it を用いて, 短くする!
 -> It is a fact that the world is round.
She does not understand spoken English.
 -> That she does not understand spoken English is obvious. 
 -> It is obvious that she does not understand spoken English.
[ 次の形容詞が It...... that ...文章によく使われます ]
..... するのは明らかだ            -> That ..... is abvious.      -> It is obvious that .....
..... するのはおかしい            -> That ..... is strange.      -> It is strange that....
..... するのは分明だ              -> That ..... is apparent.    -> It is apparent that ....
..... するのは事実だ              -> That .... is true.             -> It is true that ......
..... するのはびっくりだ           -> That ..... is surprising.  -> It is surprising that .....
..... するのは不公平だ           -> That ..... is unfair.         -> It is unfair that .....
..... するのは不運だ              -> That ..... is unfortunate. -> It is unfortunate that .....
..... するのは本当じゃなさそう -> That ..... is unlikely.       -> It is unlikely that .....
That smoking can cause cancer is obvious. 喫煙は癌を誘発可能である.
-> It is obvious that smoking can cause cancer  = That smoking can cause cancer is obvious.
-> It is true that smoking can cause cancer         = That smoking can cause cancer is true.
-> It is surprising that smoking can cause cancer = That smoking can cause cancer is surprising.
It is most unlikely that he should have written suc a letter.
It is apparent from her face that she was really upset..
( これらは、来週もっと勉強しましょう ! )
Have a nice day today!
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