
'The fact that Mary did not come made me angry' の The fact that...? - 11/19( 木)

Good morning all,
Today's English from Tokyo の 金 允泰です.
***********     I have a dream!    *************
***********  私には夢があります!  ************
第1部 :今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声で!)
1) Mary が来なかった.  (それが)私に私は怒る
    -> Maryが来なかったという事実に私は怒る!
1) Mary did not come.  (That) made me angry.
    -> The fact that Mary did not come made me angry.
説明> このように that 節は the fact とよく一緒に使います. この時は the fact = that で、 同格です!
....という 事実が 私を怒らせる ; The fact that......make me angry
....という 事実を まだ 知らなかった ; I was not aware of the fact that.....
....という 事実は ....を 示す; The fact that..... indicates[shows] ....
"ただいま、このときを必死懸命に生きる "
--- 現京セラ、現KDDI設立者 稲盛和夫の << 生き方 >> の中で ---
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 273 ( unit 14 名詞節 ) : lesson 24 < that 節の使い方  - The fact that......節! >
今日は日本語の '....という事実が.....-->The fact that.... の表現を勉強しましょう!
1) かれが授業に頻繁に 欠席する. それは 彼が学校に関心が少ないことを示している.
    -> かれが授業に頻繁に欠席するという事実は彼が学校に関心が少ないとことを示します.
1) He is frequently absent from class.  (That) indicates his lack of interest in school.
-> The fact that he is frequently absent from class indicates his lack of interest in school.
2) Ann was late.   (That) did not surprise me.
   -> The fact that Ann was late did not surprise me.
3) I am a little tired.  I feel fine except for (that).
    -> I feel fine except for the fact that I am a little tired.
4) Many people in the world live in intolerable poverty. (That) must concern all of us.
-> The fact that many people in the world live in intolerable poverty must concern all of us.
5) I was supposed to bring my passport to the examination for indentification.
    I was not aware of (that). As a result, I was not allowed to take the test.
   -> I was not aware of the fact that I was supposed to bring my passport to the examination for identification.
       As a result, I was not allowed to take the test.
説明> このように that 節は the fact と よく一緒に使います. この時は the fact = that で、 同格です!
....という 事実が 私を怒らせる ; The fact that......make me angry
....という 事実を まだ 知らなかった ; I was not aware of the that.....
....という 事実は ....を 示す; The fact that..... indicates[shows] ....
Have a nice day today!
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