
彼女は何も言わなかった を英語にすると? - 8/31(水)

Good morning all,
8月 31日 水曜日. It is sunny day this morning here in Tokyo!!!
 会話, Yes, you can!
There isn't anybody in the room.  部屋に誰もいない.
= There isn't anyone in the room.
= There is nobody in the room.
= There is no one in the room.
(  nobody と nothing )
彼女は何も言わなかった : She said nothing.
            ** = She did not say anything
-> 皆さん, nobody, no one, nothing の表現, もっと使ってみましょう!
( 人の場合 )
 I am alone. I have nobody to talk to. 一人です。話す人が誰もいない。
 = I don't have anybody to talk to.
 The house is empty. There is no one. 家が空いている。 誰もいない.
 =There isn't anyone in it.
  I cannot remember anything. 何も思い出せない.
 She said nothing.  彼女は何も言わなかった.
 There is nothing to eat.  食べる物がないもない.
-> Basic Grammar in Use - unit 79 参考
The house is empty. Nobody lives there.
Who did you speak to? No one.
Nothing happened.
I did not know about the meeting. Nobody told me. 
I am sorry I cannot help you. There is nothing I can do. 
< この表現も >
-> The museum is free. It does not cost anything to go in.
Have a nice day today!
友達のオススメ! ytkim56@yahoo.co.jp" に '紹介します'とメールください(無料です)!
1. Today's English from Tokyo 739番目朝メールです.( since 2008/10/24 )
2. Blogs : http://www.canspeak.net (Korean). http://tej.canspeak.net (Japanese)
3. 英語勉強, 今年は二度も途中あきらめません.

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