
アメリカから来た美しい手紙を紹介します - 10/1( 金)

Good morning all,
皆さん, 10月 1日 金曜日です. 今週も英語勉強お疲れ様でした。
4年前に日本で一緒に仕事したことがある友達で, 最近久しぶりにメールが来て
3.5年になった娘, そして、今年 11月に生まれる娘のfatherになる喜び、幸せを
( メール中の会社の名前と人の名前は仮名にしました)
From: Joshua
Subject: RE: Hello!!!
That is funny that we both were having thoughts about one another and being so far apart. I am glad to hear that you and your team are doing fine.
That makes me smile from ear to ear.
I am glad to see that you have continued to progress within ALU company beyond the merger.
My daughter is growing way too fast. She is now 3.5 years old and as smart as can be. I hope she has the interest in learning and becoming a doctor when she gets older. My wife and I are expecting our second child in November of this year. This will be another daughter for us. I am one of the luckiest people on the face of the earth. I will have two baby girls that are Daddy's Angels.
Alessa, my 3.5 year old, is learning here alphabet, numbers and starting to read. I hope that Emily,
the daughter that is due in November, will learn from her older sister and be just as smart and sharp as Alessa. I cant wait for Emily to arrive. I would have never thought that I would enjoy being a father as much as I do.
This is truly the greatest pleasure on earth.
I am still doing Detail Engineering within ABC Networks.
I really enjoy the challenges that this offers.
I have been dreaming of the day that you and I would have the chance to work together again. You and your teams professionalism is far beyond anything
I have ever experienced within my career.
I would be proud to have the opportunity to work with you again.
Maybe if the stars line up just right this dream could become a reality.
It was wonderful talking to you again. I will send you pictures of my daughter
Alessa and of Emily, when she decides to come.
Have a wonderful day, Kim. Please keep in touch. 
説明>  Maybe if the stars line up just right this dream could become a reality.
ここで, ' if the stars line up just right ' は 空の星が, 本当に珍しく,
そのくらい ' 運が良ければ' 再び会える夢が現実になれることの意味です。
Have a nice weekend!
友達に推薦する! ytkim56@yahoo.co.jp" に申請してください (無料です)
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