
どこかで二次会を開こうを英語にすると? - 6/15(水)

Good morning all,
6月15日, 水曜日! 間もなく雨が降りそうな東京の朝です!!!
英語 会話, Yes, you can!
昨日の表現中に errorがありました!
 = When did you start learning English?
 = When did you start to learning English? ( ここで learning は error )
-> When did you start to learn English?  ( が正しい )
( to不定詞 と 動名詞 両方と取る continue )
どこかで2次会を開こう! : Let's go somewhere else and continue drinking.
-> 皆さん, 一晩ずっと雨が降り続けたを, 英語で
    The rain continued all night.
    The exhibition continues until 25 July. 展示会は 7月 25日まで続く.
    continue the meeting after a break. 休憩後に会議を続く.
    The was still continues. 戦争はいまだに続いている.
    この continue (自動詞)..が続く, (他動詞)..を続ける. こいる動詞も, 後ろに to不定詞
    が来てもいいし, 後ろに動名詞が来てもよい, 所謂 両方を取る動詞で有名です.
    The rain continued to fall all afternoon. 午後ずっと雨が降り続けた.
    The rain continued falling all afternoon.
    She continued to eat. 彼女はため続けた.
 = She continued eating.
-> 英語文法で, 動詞 continue (...を続ける) の単語, 後ろに to不定詞, 動名詞
     両方を取る動詞といいます. ( 参考で, TOEIC試験でよくでます ).
-> Basic Grammar in Use - unit 53 参考
I continued reading the book the whole night through. 
 = I continued to read the book the whole night through.
The price of land continued to rise. 地価の上昇が続いた.
 = The price of land continued rising.
If you continue to smoke, It will be at the cost of your health.
                                               もしタバコを吸い続けたら, 健康を犠牲にすることになる.
 = If you continue smoking,...
She continued talking about her worries for a long time.
< この表現も >
-> I hope you will continue to advise me in the future.
Have a nice day today!
友達にオススメ! ytkim56@yahoo.co.jp" に '紹介します'とメールください(無料です)!
1. Today's English from Tokyo 674番目朝メールです.( since 2008/10/24 )
3. 現在日本東京にあるアメリカ系通信会社に在職中.
4. Blogs : http://www.canspeak.net (Korean). http://tej.canspeak.net (Japanese)
5. 英語勉強, 今年は二度も途中あきらめません.

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