
Should I be late, please start without me.   - 2/11( 木)

Good morning all,
 We must be ready for success!
第1部 : 今日の英語一語
' もしも私が遅れるようなことがあれば、待たずに出発してください' 
If I should be late, please start without me.
 = Should I be late, please start without me.
説明> If を省略して表現する仮定法は会話では使わない, 文章体表現です.
If節で If を省略すると, ' 主語 + 動詞' が ' 動詞 + 主語' で 疑問文の語順にして
Have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと詳しい説明
Seq 330 ( unit 15 仮定法 ) : lesson 28 < if を省略して表現する仮定法 >
' もし僕が君なら、彼女をデートに誘うけどな' 
If I were you, I would ask her for a date.
 = Were I you, I would ask her for a date.
説明> If を省略して表現する仮定法は会話では使わない, 文章体表現です.
If節で If を省略すると, ' 主語 + 動詞' が ' 動詞 + 主語' で 疑問文の語順にして
If we had known you were in the hospital, we would have visited you.
 = Had we known you were in the pospital, we would have visited you.
If there should be an earthquake, this bookshelf would fall forward.
 = Should there be an earthquake, this bookshelf would fall forward.
If I should be late, please start without me.
 = Should I be late, please start without me.
If it were a little warmer, we would go out for a walk.
 = Were it a little wamer, we would go out for a walk. もし少し暖かければ, 散歩に出かけるのだが。.
No challenge, No chance!

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