
It is two years since I saw Jane. - 2/25( 木)

Good morning all,
 We must be ready for success!
第1部 : 今日の英語一語
 It is two years since I saw Jane.  Janeと会ってから 2年が経つ.
  = I have not seen Jane for two years.
  = Two years have passed since I saw Jane.
  = I saw Jane two years ago.
説明> '.....してから ....(時間)が経つ ' の It is......since.... の表現は上のように表現可能です.
Have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと詳しい説明
Seq 340 ( unit 16  It を用いた表現 ) : lesson 4 < 時間を表す it の文章 >
It has been.....since S V の過去形 : S が ...してから ...の時間が経つ.
It is .....since S V 過去形 : S が ...してから  ..の時間が経つ.
a. How long is it since I saw you last ?
b. It is a week since we arrived here.
c. It is two years since I saw Jane.
d. It is twenty years since I have seen her.
e. How long is it since we last went to the theatre?
説明> It is......since.... の表現は以下の表現でも可能.
 It is two years since I saw Jane.
  = I have not seen Jane for two years.
  = Two years have passed since I saw Jane.
  = I saw Jane two years ago.
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