
'If I had eaten dinner then, I would not be hungry now.' - 12/24( 木)

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★MERRY★ 。 · ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ · ·
。CHRISTMAS 。 。° 。 ° ˛ ˚ ˛
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| 田田|門| ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ ·
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !! ˚ ˚
Good morning all,
" You are never given a dream without also being given
the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however."
第1部 : 今日の英語一語
事実 : I did not eat dinner then, so I am hungry now.
仮定, 空想 :  -> If I had eaten dinner then, I would not be hungry now.
事実 : どの時 夕ご飯食べなかったので, 今お腹が空いた.
仮定, 空想 :  -> その時 夕ご飯を食べたら, 今お腹が空いてないたろう.
説明> (If 節) 中は過去の時点を表し、(主節)は 現在の時点を表す場合です.
このように, If 節の時点と, 主節の時点が異なる場合も, 過去の時点は '仮定法 過去完了'
で表し, 現在の時点は '仮定法過去'で表します.
No challenge, No chance!!
第2部 : もっと詳しい説明
Seq 300 ( unit 15 仮定法 ) : lesson 9 < If 節は過去時点, 主節は 現在時点を表す仮定法 >
1. 英語で If の仮定法は 表す時点によって、次の 3つ;
(If 節) いま...れば, (主節) いま ...するだろう : 仮定法過去 : If he were here right now, he would help us.
(If 節)  昨日...したら. (主節) 昨日 ..しただろう : 仮定法 過去完了 : If he had been here yesterday, he would have helped us.
(If 節)  昨日, その時....したら, (主節) ...するだろう : (if 節) 仮定法 過去完了, (主節) 仮定法過去
2. If の仮定法で, ' (If 節)の 時点は過去, (主節)の時点は 現在 ' というのは次の場合です.
(a) 事実 : I did not eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now.
仮定、空想 -> If I had eaten breakfast several hours ago, I would not be hungry now.
(b) 事実 : I did not take the medicine then, so I am not fine now.
 仮定、空想 :  -> If I had taken the medicine then, I would be fine now.
(c) 事実 : I took the wrong train yesterday, so I am not there now.
 仮定、空想 :  -> If I had not taken the wrong train yesterday, I would be there now.
説明> このように, If 節で表す時点は その時(then), 昨日(yesterday), 何時間前(several hours ago)
などで '過去'を表すために, 仮定法 過去完了で表し, 主節は 今(now)を表すために,
事実; I did not taken the train then, so I am not at the party now.
仮定, 空想;  -> If I had taken the train then, I would be present at the party now.
Have a good day today!
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