
'You can order whatever you like' の whatever? - 10/5(=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCN24hSxsoQg==?=

Good morning all,
******    No challenge, No chance!   *********
*********    私には夢があります!   ************
第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声で !)
You can order whatever you like
   = You can order anything that you like. あなたが好きなものはどれでも注文してね
説明> 関係代名詞に -ever をつけたことを '複合関係代名詞'といいます. 先行詞を含んでいて、
名詞節として文章で主語や, 他動詞の目的語の役割をします.
who + ever  = whoever      = anyone who     ; ..する人はたれでも
whom + ever = whomever  = anyone whom  ; ..する人はたれでも
which + ever = whichever  = any one that     ; ...するものはどれでも
what + ever = whatever      = anything that   ; ... するものはなんでも
例文1)  He makes friends easily with who(m)ever he meets.
   = He makes friends easily with anyone who(m) he meets.
例文2)  Help yourself to whichever you want.
   = Help yourself to any one that you want.
"運命を切りひらくために "
    志 を立てよう
志 を立てよう。本気になって、真剣に志を立てよう。生命をかける
--- 松下電器設立者 松下幸之助の << 道をひらく >> の中で ---
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 241 ( unit 13 複合関係代名詞 ) : lesson 11 < 複合関係代名詞 'whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever' 理解する >
1. 複合関係代名詞ってなんですか? どのようにつかいますか?
関係代名詞に -ever をつけたものを '複合関係代名詞'といいます 합니다. 先行詞を含んでいるため
who + ever  = whoever
whom + ever = whomever
which + ever = whichever
what + ever = whatever
(a) whoever = anyone + who   ; ...するひとは誰でも 
   Whoever wants to come is welcome.
   = Anyone who wants to come is welcome.
(b) who(m)ever = anyone + who(m)   ; ...する人は誰でも
   He makes friends easily with who(m)ever he meets.
   = He makes friends easily with anyone who(m) he meets.
(c) whichever = any one + that  ; ...するものはどれでも
   Help yourself to whichever you want.
   = Help yourself to any one that you want.
(d) whatever = anything + that  ;  ...するものはなんでも
   You can order whatever you like
    = You can order anything that you like
注意; 他動詞の目的語としては whomever ですが, 会話では whoeverをよく使います.
You may invite who(m)ever you like.
1. 上の例文のように 複合関係代名詞は 先行詞を含んでいます!
2. whichever と whateverの差異は?
whichever ; ' いくつかの中で どれでも  ' の意味で '選択の意味,
whatever ;  選択とは関係なく, ただ 'なんでも' の意味になります.
4. whichever と whatever は すぐ後ろに 名詞を置いて 形容詞的に使うことも可能です.
You can have whichever book you like.
[ 皆さん, 複合関係代名詞の文章が '名詞節'として文章で 主語, 目的語として使われること、理解できましたか?]
I will lend this book to whoever wants to read it.
  = I will lend this book anyone who wants to read it.
Since this will be the last trip, you may take whoever wants to go.
  = Since this will be the last trip, you make take anyone who wants to go
He always says whatever comes into his mind.
  = He always says anything that comes into his mind
     ( 그는 무엇이든 마음에 떠오른 것은 항상 말한다 )
There are 4 good programs on TV at eight o'clock.  You can watch whichever program you prefer.
                                               & nbsp;                                  = You can watch any of the 4 programs that you prefer.

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