
'She moved to New York, where she studied music' の ,where? - 10/2( 金)

Good morning all,
Have a nice Friday and weekend!
*********     I have a dream!     *************
*********  私には夢があります!  *************
第1部 : 今日の推薦英語一語 (大きい声で!)
答え> She moved to New York, where she studied music. 
 = She moved to New York and there she studied music.
説明> 関係副詞 where, when も 関係代名詞と同じく非限定用法(継続用法)で
使えます。コンマ(、)を前に置いて, 訳する時は内容に合う接続詞を入れて
前から後ろに訳していきます. 関係副詞 why, how には 非限定用法はないです.
例文1) I was talking a shower at seven, when the lights went out.
 = I was talking a shower at seven and then the lights went out.
例文2) Naomi showed me photographs from Hokkaido, where she went skiing during the winter vacation.
 = Naomi showed me photographs from Hokkaido and there she went skiing during the winter vacation.
"運命を切りひらくために "
--- 松下電器設立者 松下幸之助の << 道をひらく >> の中で ---
You have a good day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため
Seq 240 ( unit 13 関係副詞 ) : lesson 10 < 関係副詞 'where, when' の非限定用法 >
1. 関係副詞 where, when は 非限定用法(継続用法)で使えます.
 - 関係代名詞, 関係副詞 (where, when) 前に コンマがない.
 - 役割 ; 先行詞(名詞)を後ろから修飾
 - 訳する方法 ; 先行詞を後ろから修飾するように
 - 関係代名詞, 関係副詞 (where, when)前にコンマがあるもの.
 - 役割 ; 先行詞を修飾することではなく、追加で補充説明すること.
 - 訳す方法 ; 接続詞をいれて前から後ろに訳していく.
She moved to New York, where she studied music. 
 = She moved to New York and there she studied music.
I was talking a shower at seven, when the lights went out.
 = I was talking a shower at seven and then the lights went out.
He was taken to the police station, where he told the truth.
 =  He was taken to the police station and there he told the truth.
Someone broke into the house in the middle of the night, when the alarm rang.
 = Someone broke into the house in the middle of the night and then the alarm rang.
説明> ( , where  = and there ), ( , when = and then )になります. 関係副詞 how, why
[ 皆さん, 関係副詞 where, when の継続用法も接続詞をいれて訳すること, もっと理解できましたか?]
Naomi showed me photographs from Hokkaido, where she went skiing during the winter vacation.
 = Naomi showed me photographs from Hokkaido and there she went skiing during the winter vacation.
I moved to a new house in 1990, when it happened.
 = I moved to a new house in 1990 and then it happened.
This is my house, where he was born.
 =  This is my house and there he was born.

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