
' たまたまお金がありません ' - 5/28( 木)

Good morning all,

'Today's English from Tokyo' の 金 允泰です.
*********        No pain, No gain !     **********
*********          Yes, You CAN !      **********
第1部 : 今日の推薦 英語一語 (大きい声で!)
答え; I happen to have no money with me
= It happens that I have no money with me.
説明; < happen to do...> 偶然に[たまたま...する、 < turn out to be...> 後で 結局...だと分かる、
判明する. < It happens that....>, < It turns out that....> でも表現可能. 
例文1 I happened to hear it
例文2 The rumor has turned out [to be] false

You have a great day today!
第2部 : もっと勉強したい方のため

Seq 149 ( unit 9  to不定詞 ) : lesson 35 < happend to do... / turn out to be... >

[ 今日は 'to不定詞'の 'happen to do.., turn out to be' 表現を理解する! ]
[ 英語文法, 暗記せずに, 正確に理解すると, 忘れない, すぐ 会話にも!]
1. happen/turn out は 本来自動詞だが ' to不定詞' と 一緒に使われる?
" I had the impression that he was in his thirties, but
he turned out to be 24."
" No kidding! He could pass for 35. He looks old for this age." 
" 私は 彼が 30代という印象だったが, 結局 24才だと分かったよ. "
" 冗談だろう, あれなら 35才でも通るだろう. 年の割に老けてるよね. "
答え> ここで, ' S turns out to be...' は ' Sは 結局....だと判明される, 結局...だと分かる'の 意味で
よく使われる. このような表現が,;
happen to do...  / 偶然に、たまたま....する
turn out to be... / 結局..,,だと判明される, 結局...だと分かる
I happened to see Jim in a bookstore.
His story turned out to be true
1. ' prove to be...' も ' turn out to be....' と同じ意味.
The experiment proved (to be) successful.
2. ' turn out to be....' , ' prove to be..' で ' to be...'はよく省略される.
3. < happen to do...> , < turn out to be...> は < It happens that...>, < It turns out that.. >
It happened that I saw Jim in a bookstore
It turned out that his store was true
2. 日本語でも, < 偶然に...する > , < 後で...だと分かる, ...だと判明される >と言いますよね!
我々はこのような表現を日本語で使っていることを、同様、 英語でも使っていることです.
日本語で ' 偶然に[たまたま]....する' を英語では? / ' happen to do...'
日本語で ' 後で[結局] ....だと分かる' と英語では? / ' turn out to be..'
太郎 sit next to 花子
太郎 happened to sit next to 花子 / 偶然に
太郎 is 花子's lover
太郎 turned out [to be] 花子's lover
= It turned out that 太郎 is 花子's lover
[ 皆さん, 英語単語 happen, turn out を to不定詞と一緒に使えますよね! ]
{ 追加例文 }
[ happen to do.. ]
1. I happened to sit next to the singer
= It happened that I sit next to the singer
2. I happened to be out when you called
3. I happened to hear it
4. It happens that I have no money with me
= I happen to have no money with me
[ turn out to be...., prove to be...]
1. The painting turn out to be a false
2. The rumor has turned out [ to be ] a false.
= It turned out that the rumor has been a false.
3. The job turned out to be harder than we thought
4. The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.
= It turned out that the house they had offered us is a tiny apartment
5. The experiment proved [ to be ] successful
6. It proved to be insufficient 
第3部 : 美しいPopSong一語!
You are my lover, You are my friend.
-- I'll always love you , sung by Taylor Dayne --

1. 土曜日 夕方 18:00 - 21:00 English Study Group
JR '秋葉原'駅で 歩いて 6分, いきいきプラザ.
文法と会話練習します. 参加してみてください.
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