
09/Jan/21/Wed Today's English ( オバマ大統領就任演説文の中で )

Good morning all,
Wednesday - There was the inauguration ceremony in America this early morning in Japan time.
It is so cloudy this morning and according to TV news, it will be rainy from this evening
here in Tokyo. It is 5.3 degrees this morning and it will be about 10 degrees during the
daytime. You'd better carry an umbrella with you when you go out this morning.
Here is Today's English
Seq 63 : In the Obama's inaugural address ( オバマ大統領 就任演説文中で )
" Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and
they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this,
America - they will be met.
On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose
over conflict and discord."
Words,Phrases & Patterns
> inaugural ; (形) 就任の, 就任式の
> an inaugural address ; 就任演説
> be inaugurated as... ; ..として 就任する
> challenge ; (名)[C][U] 挑戦,課題,難題, ここでは [試練]と 訳しました.
> face ; (名) 顔; (動詞)直面する,
> real ; (形)実際の, 本物の   
> serious ; (形) 深刻な
> in a short span of time ; 短い時間以内で
> meet ; (動詞) 合う, (目標,要求を) 達成する,充足させる, ここでは [克服する]と訳しました.
> chosen ; choose(選ぶ)の 過去分詞
> fear ; (名)[U][C] 恐れ
> unity ; (/749;)[U] 一致, 統一性
> unity of purpose ; 団結
> conflict ; (名)[U] 争い, 対立
> discord ; (名)[U] 不和,
今日は オバマ 大統領演説文で 一部 紹介します.
団結を選んだからだ. " 
" 47才の オバマさんが アメリカ 第 44代 大統領に 就任した" を 英語で 言うと?
" 彼は アメリカ 200年以上の 歴史で 初めての african-american 大統領だ "を 英語で 言うと?
(a) Barack Obama,47, has been inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States.
(b) He is the first african-American president in the more than 200 years of america history. 
Have a great day today!
 " Yes We can ! "
- by Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States -
2009 No challenge, No chance!
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日本語版 : http://tej.hiska.net
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